确保您的产品符合欧盟市场准入标准至关重要. 作为ATEX授权公告机构(NB), im体育APP提供不可或缺的支持, 确保您的产品毫不费力地符合严格的欧盟标准. 从个性化指导到精简流程, 我们在复杂的环境中穿行, 加快您的上市时间并确保合规性. 让Element简化您获得 CE Mark 以及为欧盟市场做好准备的独特的欧洲六角形标志.




ATEX Certification is a product regulation that ensures the safety of equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in the European Union. 
In the European Union, all equipment with a potential ignition source (electrical or mechanical) including protective systems, must meet ATEX requirements for the health and safety of workers employed in hazardous atmosphere installations. Certifying your products to ATEX helps improve safety and protect the health of workers potentially at risk from explosive environments such as those found in the petrochemical industries, underground mining, or food production.


获得Element ATEX认证的好处


  • 改善安全标准: Element upholds the highest safety standards by the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU. 我们的全面评估确保您的设备符合法规要求, 保护您的员工和资产.
  • 每一步的专家指导: 享受我们为您量身定制的全套服务. From personalized feedback during product testing to direct communication with our engineers, we make sure that you're fully involved and informed throughout the certification process, 保证合规,安心.
  • 上市时间效率: 利用Element的设计评审加速您的上市时间. 我们在您的制造商R的每个阶段的宝贵见解&D process streamline development, expediting product launches and enhancing competitiveness. 
  • Dual Certification: 我们是ATEX和 IECEx certifications, we minimize duplication of efforts, ensuring efficient compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Comprehensive Support: 从测试到存储ATEX技术文件, Element offers a comprehensive suite of services to meet all your certification needs. We also provide on-site services where our team comes directly to your location. 这消除了将产品发送到其他地方的麻烦, providing you with convenience and flexibility without compromising on the quality of testing and certification.
  • High-Level Security: 为了你内心的平静, 我们提供一系列高级安全措施, 包括屏蔽室和专门设施. These measures demonstrate our commitment to maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your sensitive projects 



驾驭ATEX认证的复杂过程可能是压倒性的, 导致合规方面的潜在延迟和不确定性. 作为ATEX指令2014/34/EU的欧洲公告机构(NB), im体育APP为您简化了这个过程. Our breadth of technical expertise will help you meet all the mandatory and voluntary testing, factory inspection, document storage, 而认证要求你需要使用的 CE Mark 和独特的欧洲六边形标志.

We provide personalized feedback and tailored assistance throughout the process, 确保您的充分理解和积极参与. 在我们的全面支持下, 您可以自信地浏览ATEX认证, 确保及时遵守法规并做好市场准备.




Sending products off-site for ATEX certification testing can disrupt workflow and add logistical challenges, 推迟上市时间,增加成本. Element's on-site ATEX certification testing services eliminate the inconvenience of shipping your products elsewhere.


Our team of experts 前往您所在的位置,在熟悉的环境中进行测试. This tailored approach not only saves you time and resources but also ensures that testing is conducted efficiently and effectively. 通过把测试直接带给你, 我们尽量减少干扰并简化认证过程, 帮助您更快地实现法规遵从性和市场准备.




作为atex认证机构, we can assist with the key standards for ATEX certification and 电气设备试验, including:

  • EN 60079-0 -一般要求
  • EN 60079-1 —隔爆设备
  • EN 60079-2 -加压设备
  • EN 60079-6 - Liquid immersion
  • EN 60079-7 - Increased safety
  • EN 60079-11 -本质安全设备
  • EN 60079-13 - Pressurised room
  • EN 60079-15 -非燃烧设备
  • EN 60079-18 - Encapsulation
  • EN 60079-28 - Optical
  • EN 60079-31 -防尘设备



作为atex认证机构, 我们可以为您提供机械设备测试方面的支持, 包括以下关键标准的ATEX认证:

  • ISO 80079-36 -一般要求(取代EN 13463系列)
  • ISO 80079-37 -建筑防护 

Why choose Element? 


作为UKAS和A2LA认可的测试实验室 EMC testing广播/无线测试Safety,以及环境测试, we possess industry-leading expertise to support your qualification and certification requirements for successfully CE marking your products for the EU Market.


Our distinction as a trusted ATEX Notified Body ensures that our certification processes hold the highest standards of quality and compliance. To learn more about our explosive atmosphere testing or ATEX certification services, visit our about us page or you can contact us 有你的规格和要求.


While ATEX certification is mandatory within the EU and is based on compliance with specified essential requirements, IECEx certification is a global scheme established on adherence to International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards, 促进国际贸易. While both certifications ensure product safety in potentially explosive atmospheres, 它们在范围和监管框架上有所不同.

All non-electrical equipment that poses an ignition risk needs to be covered by the ATEX Directive and will refer to standards EN 80079-36:2016 and EN 80079-37:2016. Typical non可能存在潜在危险的电气设备包括电动机, gear units, air-powered drills, 涡轮组件阀门, and rollers. 

We highly recommend that you design non-electrical products in line with these standards to avoid serious difficulties trying to amend and alter a product after prototypes have been finalized. Read more here.

ATEX区域是根据爆炸性环境的可能性进行分类的. Zones 0, 1, and 2 pertain to gases/vapors, while Zones 20, 21, and 22 relate to dust. These classifications help in determining safety measures for different industrial environments.


了解非电气设备的ATEX和IECEx认证, ATEX categories and the compliance route to construct a certification test program. READ MORE


Learn how to avoid common pitfalls on an electrical product’s compliance journey and adhere to electrical product safety standards. LEARN MORE

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