im体育APP’s Over-the-Air (OTA) testing services ensure your wireless products comply with operator/carrier requirements 和 international st和ards, allowing the performance of your wireless devices to be verified before your product hits the market.



OTA测试测量无线设备的可靠性, their antennas 和 components perform using simulated environments to replicate the live network experienced by end users. 测试测量总辐射功率(TRP)等参数, 总各向同性灵敏度(TIS), 和 Intermediate Channel Sensitivity to ensure optimal performance before market release. 通过模拟实时网络环境, OTA testing verifies that devices transmit 和 receive signals effectively, 确保产品质量, 网络的兼容性, 以及用户体验.



  • 在所有场景下测试: im体育APP的OTA测试复制了真实世界的场景, 保证设备在各种环境下的可靠运行, bolstering confidence in their performance under diverse conditions.
  • 早期问题识别: im体育APP's OTA testing helps identify 和 address performance issues in the product development cycle, optimizing antenna design 和 signal processing algorithms before market release, 节省时间和资源.
  • 全球影响力: 实验室战略性地设在美国, UK, 和韩国, im体育APP provides convenient access to OTA testing alongside our other compliance services.
  • 确保网络兼容性: We verify device compatibility across various wireless networks 和 technologies, ensuring seamless connectivity 和 communication in any environment.
  • 成本效益: Early identification 和 resolution of potential performance issues through OTA testing at im体育APP mitigate the risk of costly recalls or warranty claims, offering manufacturers significant savings in both time 和 resources.
  • 市场准备: 通过OTA测试优化设备性能, you can confidently release products that meet or exceed consumer expectations, 提升市场竞争力和品牌美誉度.
  • 定制的解决方案: 我们的专家创造 定制测试程序s to  your specific product requirements, 更高的准确性或更快的周转时间.



We underst和 the challenges of managing limited resources, including time 和 budget. im体育APP的团队还包括相关服务方面的专家,例如 全球市场准入(GMA), 电磁兼容性 (EMC)和 比吸收率(SAR)试验, making us a single source provider for all of your product compliance needs. 我们的实验室位于美国的战略位置, UK, 和韩国, making im体育APP your ideal partner to provide OTA in conjunction with any of our additional testing services whenever 和 wherever you need it. 









im体育APP’s cutting-edge Over-the-Air test chambers in the US cover 400MHz to 7.125GHz以及28GHz和38ghz毫米波频率. Whilst our specialist antenna pattern measurement labs are equipped with a goniometer to improve 3D resolution from 15º down to 1º as needed, 辅助DUT定位的集成激光对准系统, 和 an integrated high-speed switch controller - providing fast switching between antennas for accelerated testing. Our AMS-8923-195 lab includes a multi-antenna array that houses twenty-three (23) dual-polarized measurement antennas spaced every 15º. Our simulated environments include using Phantoms (physical models of different parts of the human body) designed to hold a variety of different OTA device forms.



im体育APP为您的广告提供OTA测试, 工业, 军品, 以及智能手机等消费产品, 笔记本电脑, 平板电脑, 路由器, 和物联网设备.我们的服务包括: 

  • 总辐射功率(TRP)
  • 有效各向同性辐射功率(EIRP)
  • 总各向同性灵敏度(TIS)
  • 有效各向同性灵敏度(EIS)
  • MIMO平均辐射SIR灵敏度
  • 总辐射多天线灵敏度(TRMS)
  • 5G FR2的一致性和可接受性
  • 共存/脱敏测量
  • 工程 & 定制测试解决方案
  • 无源天线测试(增益、效率和指向性)
  • 天线方向图测量测试


Our chambers 和 systems support cellular testing capabilities for SISO 和 MIMO per the Cellular Telecommunications 和 Internet Association (CTIA) family of test plans for Mobile Station Over-the-Air (OTA) performance, including the RF Performance Evaluation of Wi-Fi Mobile Converged Devices. 



im体育APP’s OTA testing supports several cellular wireless technologies, including: 

  • 5G Nr sa, 5g Nr nsa
  • 5g fr1, 5g fr2
  • LTE(类别M、NB、1+)、LTE载波聚合
  • A-gnss (a-gps, a-glonass, a-galileo, l1 + 15)
  • IEEE 802.a, b, g, n, ac
  • 蓝牙古典
  • 无线个域网(802.15.4)、ISM、SRD、UHF RFID、MedRadio- MICS频段
  • 遗留3 g



我们的团队包括 全球市场准入(GMA)) 和 related services such as 电磁兼容性 (EMC)和 比吸收率(SAR)试验, making us a single source provider for all of your product compliance needs. 我们的实验室位于美国的战略位置, UK, 和韩国, making im体育APP your ideal partner to provide OTA in conjunction with any of our additional testing services when you need it. 我们的美国地点包括哥伦比亚MD,就在外面 FCC认证 还有测试实验室,还有 布鲁克林公园.

Whether you need OTA testing alone or in conjunction with other testing services, im体育APP是你理想的伴侣. 我们的全球业务确保了便利性和可及性, allowing us to support you at every stage of product development 和 compliance.

For more information about our Over-the-Air testing, or to request a quote, 今天就向专家请教
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im体育APP’s 从事专家 utilize Antenna Pattern Measurement methods for testing various types of antennas 和 receivers. We will work with you to create a 定制测试程序 for your specific product requirements, 更高的准确性或更快的周转时间.


Our AMS-8923-195 lab includes a multi-antenna array that houses twenty-three (23) dual-polarized measurement antennas spaced every 15º. The turntable/positioner for the device under test (DUT) provides continuous rotation along the phi axis with minimized reflections through the use of low dielectric materials in a fully anechoic room (FAR).

im体育APP’s antenna pattern measurement labs are equipped with a goniometer to improve 3D resolution from 15º down to 1º as needed. 集成的激光对准系统有助于DUT定位, 并配有集成的高速开关控制器, the system provides fast switching between antennas for accelerated testing. 

im体育APP offers Antenna Pattern Measurements techniques for the following:

  • 400mhz - 6ghz
  • 3D和2D模式
  • 蓝牙
  • WiFi (802.11), 无线个域网(802 . 11).15.4)、ISM、SRD、UHF RFID、MedRadio- MICS频段
  • 天线效率和指向性测量
  • 绝对收益
  • Complete 3D Passive 和 active measurements in under 5 minutes per run
  • 天线设计者和系统集成商的设计和评估


im体育APP’s experts support you throughout the whole product life-cycle of your connected devices from R&D, 测试 & 认证, 咨询服务全球市场准入. 我们保证您的产品每次都能准时进入市场. 

看看我们的服务,了解我们如何从R为您提供支持&解析:选D。 让明天比今天更安全.





im体育APP is a global leader in RF Exposure assessments including 比吸收率(SAR)试验 of wireless devices for compliance with RF safety limits.



im体育APP提供了一整套无线和无线电测试, 为全球市场提供认证和批准服务.

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im体育APP offers wireless 和 radio certification services for FCC for USA, 加拿大ISED, 欧洲CE认证,日本MIC认证.



im体育APP's advisory services deliver world-class strategies that steer systems compliance at the program management level.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.