It is critical to assess the quality of air to provide air pollution data to regulatory bodies, and to evaluate the effectiveness of pollution control strategies. im体育APP provides an array of collection and analysis methods to cover all your 空气质量 分析需求.

Polluted air can be a danger to the population, leading to serious health risks and degradation of the environment. im体育APP utilizes methods that determine the concentrations of various pollutants in air samples to ensure that the air is safe for humans and the environment. 

The im体育APP US laboratories are NELAC/TNI and ISO 17025 accredited, holding certification in LA and TX, and offer 空气质量 monitoring services to EPA Method TO-15, 和EPA方法18.

The im体育APP laboratories in the UK hold ISO 17025 accreditation for US EPA TO-15 analysis in evacuated canisters, BottleVacs and Tedlar bags. We are also able to offer 面部贴合测试 服务s in accordance with COSHH regulations.


For more information on our 空气质量 monitoring services, please 立即im体育APP.

im体育APP offers sampling and analysis of ambient air to determine subsets of the 97 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) included in the 189 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) listed in Title III of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Our analysis services can achieve reporting limits around one ppbv for all target compounds depending on the volume of air in the sample canister.

Samples should be collected in specially prepared canisters evacuated to approximately ~30 inches of Mercury. Samples may be collected as a grab sample or as a time-integrated sample by using a flow control device. TO-15 samples can be held for up to 30 days from collection to analysis.

使用EPA方法18, im体育APP can measure the total mass emissions of VOCs and determine compliance with the emission concentration limit. Method 18 allows for four different sampling options: Direct interface, 稀释接口, 吸附管, 和泰德勒袋取样. im体育APP commonly uses Tedlar bag sampling for analysis conducted in the laboratory.

im体育APP conducts Method 18 analysis via Gas 色谱法 with Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) for samples collected in Tedlar bags. im体育APP also conducts matrix spike recovery for each source to ensure the overall accuracy of measurements in the analytical procedure. 

Samples should be collected in three or more Tedlar bags. Extra bags provide backup in case of leaks. SUMMA canisters are not allowed under Method 18. There is no technical holding time for Method 18 as long as the recovery study criteria are met.

im体育APP UK laboratories offer analysis of bulk 气体es such as m乙烷, 一氧化碳, 二氧化碳, 氧气, 氮和氢. im体育APP uses Gas 色谱法 with Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) for this analysis.

Our laboratories can also determine the C1-C7 organic compounds m乙烷, 乙烷, 乙烯, 丙烷, 戊烷, 己烷和庚烷.

im体育APP UK can provide and analyse 吸附管s by Thermal desorption GCMS. A variety of tubes (both pumped and passive) are available depending on the analysis required. Analysis includes TPH CWG, 56 VOC target compounds (including BTEX and Naphthalene), target chlorinated compounds or a screen for the top ten peaks.

我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.