im体育APP provides marine sediment analysis in support of offshore survey work and helps clients comply with environmental legislation when carrying out maritime engineering projects and dredging operations.

我们的 laboratory experts have developed specific sediment sample preservation and analysis procedures, designed to maintain sample integrity and produce high-quality data, consistent with regulatory requirements.

Client projects we support include 影响评估 研究, 基线调查, 钻井工作, 近岸建设, offshore renewable energy developments, and dredging activities to create or maintain navigable waterways.


Scope of marine sediment analysis

我们的 Deeside, UK laboratory’s ISO 17025 accreditation includes marine sediment analysis and Marine Management Organisation (MMO) validation for selected determinants. We offer a wide range of analysis and our specialist technical staff provide advice on what is appropriate to our customers' specific needs – where MMO methods are not required we can often offer low-cost alternatives.

With regards to the OSPAR Guidelines for the Management of Dredged Materials our analyses include:

  • Inorganics including Trace Metals
  • Organotins (Tributyltin and Dibutyltin)
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
  • Total hydrocarbon contents (THC)
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
  • 有机氯农药(ocp)
  • 总有机碳(TOC)

Most UK-based marine developments must be approved by local environmental agencies, including; the Marine Management Organisation, 海洋苏格兰, 威尔士自然资源部, and the Northern Ireland Department of 农业, 环境及农村事务. In Ireland the Marine Institute, and 环境 Protection Agency have responsibility. 



Marine Sediments have the potential to become a deposit for numerous pollutants, especially where industrial activities are commonplace, 比如航运或石油 & 天然气勘探. The study of Marine Sediments is the field of analytical chemistry associated with the impact of manmade environmental damage. im体育APP helps protect marine environments by calculating pollutant levels and working with our clients and environmental agencies to support the preservation of these ecosystems.



We are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to ISO 17025:2017 for a wide range of matrices including 土壤, surface and groundwaters, effluents, 空气, 石油产品, marine sediments, sorbent tubes, and 烟囱排放 样品. The UKAS accreditation is recognized globally under the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) mutual recognition arrangement. 

We participate in proficiency testing schemes, including the Quality Assurance of Information for Marine 环境 Monitoring in 欧洲 (QUASIMEME) scheme.

We organize local and international sample collections from sites or offices and offer fast turnarounds for your urgent 样品. 更多信息请im体育APP.

环境测试 and Compliance Content

Discover our environmental thought leadership content including articles, 白皮书, 案例研究和常见问题解答.

由我们的im体育平台app下载专家撰写, we explore a range of laboratory and field-based topics related to how we help clients comply with environmental legislation and maintain safe operations.





im体育APP’s asbestos testing programs help to assess the potential presence of asbestos in 土壤, 石棉纤维, and any asbestos-containing materials that may cause harm to people’s health.



Find out how we help our customers to meet their regulatory requirements and achieve maximum crop quality and revenue through a better understanding of soil fertility, nutrient content and the presence of potentially harmful organisms in their soil.



Find out how we help our customers to the legal and regulatory requirements for drinking water, 地下水, 地表水和废水.



我们的 环境测试 laboratories provide a broad range of soil analysis and testing services for site remediation.

Metals 测试 for Soil and Water

Metals 测试 for Soil and Water

im体育APP’s experts conduct metals and heavy metals testing for water and soil using Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy (ICP Analysis).

Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS)


im体育APP offers accredited analysis of Dioxins and Furans, and Dioxin-like PCBs for 烟囱排放s, 灰, 植被, 土壤, 还有水样.



im体育APP’s experts provide drilling waste and hazardous waste testing services to ensure organizations are compliant with regulatory guidelines.


环境 Impact Assessments

im体育APP’s industry experts provide environmental 影响评估s for 空气 quality, 噪音, 和振动, which must be closely considered through the planning process.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.