


 Medical Device Regulation (MDR) Annex XVI - How Can You Prepare?




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Nicole is a highly experienced regulatory professional with a depth and breadth of experience in the safety, 表演, and regulation of medical devices – a career spanning over 30 years.


EU MDR附件十六有什么新内容?

2023年5月16日, the MDCG Annex XVI working group met and has published minutes of meetings held (stakeholders and regulators): Register of Commission expert groups and other similar entities (europa.eu).


  1. To ensure alignment to the extension of transitional provisions in Regulation (EU MDR ) 2023/607,  实施规例(欧盟) 2023/1194号法令于2023年6月20日公布,涉及附件十六所列某些无预期医疗用途产品的过渡性规定. 自2023年6月22日起生效.
  2. A range of guidance documents have been drafted including classification, 过渡性条款和等效性.  Mature drafts should be subject to future consultation.
  3. 下一次会议计划于2023年11月7日举行.
im体育APP教育/学习: Listen to our demand webinar on MDR of Annex XVI products published prior to the publication of the Implementing Regulations   


  • 的 Scope of Annex XVI MDR includes six specific products groups

  • 通用规范规定了风险管理(包括标签和使用说明)和临床评估方面的要求

  • 欧盟委员会实施法规(EU) 2022/2346 为欧洲议会和理事会关于医疗器械的法规(EU) 2017/745附件XVI中列出的无预期医疗目的的产品组制定通用规格. It shall apply from 22 June 2023 (date of application)* 

  • 欧盟委员会实施法规(EU) 2022/2347 欧洲议会和理事会法规(EU) 2017/745关于某些无预期医疗目的活性产品类别的重新分类的适用规则,于2022年12月1日颁布. It enters into force 22 December 2022 (20th day following publication in the Journal)

  • 风险重新分类-并通过对MDR附件VIII的克减,对某些无医疗目的的活性产品(如IPL)进行重新分类, 吸脂及脑刺激产品)

  • 技术文件要求, including evidence of meeting relevant GSPRs 通用规格. 这包括a的应用 质量 and risk management system, clinical evaluation, and post market surveillance

  • Appropriate conformity assessment route (with Notified Body involvement where necessary)

  • 的re are a number of transitional provisions* in Article 2 of 实施规例(欧盟) 2022/2346

  • 的 英国政府对未来监管的回应 医疗器械管理局打算广泛遵循与MDR相同的产品清单,并“制定明确的定义和指导,以配合监管变化。.然而,直到 法律文本 and guidance are published, the industry will have to wait for clarity on the UK requirements.


什么是EU MDR附件十六/通用规格?

医疗器械法规(EU) 2017/745, 即医疗器械规例(MDR), 于2021年5月生效. 它取代了医疗器械指令93/42/EEC (MDD)和有源植入式医疗器械指令90/385/EEC, (AIMDD).

MDR附件十六适用于以下产品, whilst similar to a medical device in terms of its function and risk profile, 是否用于非医疗或美学用途. 这些产品已被纳入MDR,以确保用户的健康和安全,并要求欧盟委员会采用共同规范(CS),至少解决风险管理和应用问题, 哪些地方需要对此类产品进行临床评价

CS means a set of technical and/or clinical requirements, 除了标准之外, that provides a means of complying with the legal obligations applicable to a device, 过程, 或系统.


  • Contact lenses or other items intended to be introduced into or onto the eye. Examples include non-prescription colored contact lenses.
  • 旨在通过外科侵入性手段全部或部分进入人体,以改变人体解剖结构或固定身体部位的产品, 除了纹身产品和穿孔.
  • 物质, 物质组合, 或用于面部或其他皮下的物品, 黏膜下, 或皮内注射或其他引入, 不包括纹身用的. 例子包括真皮填充物.
  • 用于减少的设备, 移除或破坏脂肪组织, 比如抽脂设备, 脂肪溶解或脂肪成型 
  • High-intensity electromagnetic radiation (such as infra-red, visible light and UV) emitting equipment intended for use on the human body.  Examples include lasers and intense pulsed light (IPL) equipment for tattoo or body hair removal.
  • 用于大脑刺激的设备,通过电流、磁场或电磁场穿透颅骨来改变大脑中的神经元活动.

This list could be amended by the 欧洲an Commission to bring other products into scope in the future.

Accessories such as contact lens solutions are not covered by Annex XVI.



从2023年6月22日起*,在欧洲和北爱尔兰销售的附件XVI产品的制造商必须遵守MDR中针对一般医疗器械制定的相关要求,以确保用户安全. 这包括遵守CS.

的y explain how these products should be assessed to demonstrate their safety and 表演. 它们还涉及风险管理的应用, including information for safety (label and instructions).  此外, clinical evaluations of these products shall be based on relevant 临床数据 from post-market surveillance, 上市后临床随访, and where applicable specific clinical investigations as outlined in Annex XIV and XV of the MDR.   

在一般情况下, 不可能证明具有医疗目的的医疗器械与没有预期医疗目的的产品之间的等效性.  应当对这些产品进行临床调查,除非依赖类似医疗器械的现有临床数据得到充分证明. A device claiming a medical and a non-medical intended purpose shall fulfill the requirements of both cumulatively.

在本质上, the regulation means that manufacturers of these products will have to meet stricter requirements, 与其他医疗器械一致, 在欧盟和北爱尔兰销售他们的产品. 特别是, 合格评定程序规则, which require the involvement of a Notified Body such as im体育APP, 已经收紧了.



除了遵守CS, manufacturers of Annex XVI products will have to meet MDR requirements as set out in Article 10. 这包括:

  • 确保设备已安装 正确分类 根据附件VIII中的风险分类标准,并通过克减(EU) 2022/2347对某些无医疗目的的活性产品进行重新分类的实施法规
  • 符合所有有关附件一 一般安全和性能要求 (GSPR), including systems in place for 质量 and risk management
  • pass the applicable  conformity assessment, if required, carried out by a notified body
  • 起草合格声明并加贴CE标志
  • 分配一个基本的唯一设备标识符 (UDI-DI) 并提供给UDI数据库 
  • 将关键资料提交至 Eudamed 关于自己的, as well as the authorized representative and/or importer if they are based outside the EU 
  • have a person responsible for regulatory compliance in place 
  • have sufficient financial coverage for potential manufacturer liability 
  • 如适用,提供 植入物卡 对于植入式装置,起草一份 安全性和临床表现总结 并定期提供安全更新报告
  • meet the post-market surveillance and vigilance requirements, 包括向相关部门报告严重事故和现场安全纠正措施的新时间表, 比如 HPRA针对爱尔兰发生的事故 或者是 在北爱尔兰发生的事件.
  • 确保产品的 分销商及进口商 have met their obligations set out in Articles 13 and 14 



Manufacturers of Annex XVI products must comply with the common specifications from 22 June 2023*. 这意味着制造商现在需要考虑这将如何影响他们的产品,以及需要哪些额外的非临床测试和临床证据来遵守.    


经实施规例(EU) 2023/1194修订的实施规例2022/2346第2条有三个过渡性条文.  它们允许制造商有时间执行临床调查和/或合格评定程序的要求.  它还规定在根据已废除的医疗器械指令(MDD)的公告机构证书到期后,继续将此类产品投放市场或投入使用。

Considering the concerns relating to notified body capacity and continued availability of 遗留的设备 根据已废除的医疗器械指令(MDD), 三种过渡情景, 他们的条件, 时间表是务实的, 即使有点复杂的消化.  



欧盟委员会公布投票表, 议程, and stakeholder and Member States meetings and minutes within its Comitology注册. 以前的实施条例草案,包括某些活性产品类别重新分类的规则,也可在上述链接中找到.

MDCG已经 发布了一系列文件和指南 协助业界申请MDR(及IVDR).



im体育APP的MedTech专家团队对即将到来的变化进行了初步评估,强调了此类产品的监管和开发途径的重大变化. 这将需要属于耐多药范围的产品制造商解决,并需要不同的监管和测试策略.  

值得注意的是,MDR的一般安全和性能要求(GSPRs)可能会影响现有的测试和证据. Depending on the product, it is possible that existing testing undertaken for CE标志 其他立法,如 LVD or EMC 是否可用于合格评定. This will require careful evaluation taking into account medical device 统一的标准 通用规格. 

im体育APP的医疗器械专家团队可以帮助您了解MDR的一般安全和性能要求,并提供有关临床前数据的必要指导, 临床数据, 以及市场后需求. Our certification team can also support you in achieving ISO 13485质量管理体系认证

im体育APP的专家 妮可小, 詹姆斯粉红色, 请联系Michael Kipping获取有关附录XVI以及如何确保您的产品符合通用规格和MDR的更多信息.


找到相关的 资源



im体育APP's expert 妮可小 has hosted an 按需网络研讨会 on the Annex XVI updates. Click here to watch the recording and further understand the Annex XVI updates.




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我们的医疗器械法规事务专家与电子医疗器械制造商从设计概念开始合作, identifying appropriate testing standards f或者是ir products.



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