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From validating product design and establishing operational limits to qualifying equipment per customer or industrial standards, 振动测试 is a valuable tool for manufacturers, 设计师, 和工程师. 

一般来说, 振动测试 is used to demonstrate a product’s ability to resist dynamic loads without losing critical functional or structural integrity under specified loads. It can be used to identify accumulated stress effects, the resulting mechanical weaknesses and performance flaws.

Choosing the right 振动测试 protocol helps ensure that products can safely withstand the vibration levels they experience throughout their service life, 确保产品质量和安全. While most standards provide generic default test severities, more advanced procedures use existing data from product performance and operational environments to better replicate in-service conditions.


Understanding Different 振动测试 Procedures

There is a wide range of 振动测试 procedures available, each with unique features and benefits. 虽然他们都有相似之处, the primary differentiating factor is the type of excitation created by each method. 该模式, 节奏, dwell of 振动测试 procedures help determine which method is best suited to replicate real-world conditions and ensure product quality.



The simplest 振动测试 procedure, sine 振动测试 uses a single sinusoidal tone following simple harmonic motion input to the test specimen. This sinusoidal tone can be swept across the test frequency range, or it can be fixed on a single frequency, 视需要而定. 

Sinusoidal testing stimulates a test specimen’s natural structural (resonance) frequencies of vibration. Test frequency can be selectively varied to focus on natural frequencies of interest. Swept sinusoidal testing using lower acceleration levels is typically used to perform resonance searching (vibration response investigation) to identify resonance frequencies present in the test specimen.

In addition to identifying natural frequencies, swept sinusoidal vibration can be used to evaluate the endurance of test specimens over successive sweep cycles; this sweeping covers the entire test frequency range and accumulates oscillations at each frequency over the test duration.



与此形成鲜明对比的是, random vibration procedures cover vibration of a stochastic nature resulting from transportation or operational environments (for example in aircraft, 空间飞行器, 和陆地车辆). 

Random vibration replicates environments that are unpredictable and non-repetitive. 不像正弦方法, 这依赖于稳定, 定期测试频率, these methods use uniquely generated patterns to simulate real-world applications. When coupled with custom vibration profiles, random 振动测试 protocols are a powerful tool for product qualification and validation.



对于一些项目, more than one type of 振动测试 protocol is used to meet unique requirements, 确保准确的测试条件, 或者创建加速程序. In these cases, multiple vibration methods are combined to create a single, composite standard.

While there are virtually endless numbers of unique composite vibration methods available, the most popular are sine-on-random and random-on-random.



Because environmental factors like temperature, 湿度, altitude can compound the effects of vibration on a product, combined environmental and 振动测试 procedures are sometimes used to create a realistic test environment. 

在考试项目中很受欢迎 mil - std - 810, RTCA做- 160, Def Stan 00-35, combined environmental programs provide a more robust validation program, allowing for real-world variables that affect product performance.

im体育APP的 全球产品认证实验室 offer 振动测试 protocols and combined environmental programs using a wide range of electrodynamic vibration shaker systems. With experience in critical industries across the globe, we are experts at helping you create 振动测试 procedures that make your products better, 更强的, 更可靠.


For more information about our 振动测试 services, or to request a quote, 今天就向专家请教.

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Find out how im体育APP's 振动测试 services help to make certain that the products we test for our customers will perform safely and as expected when in the field.


RTCA做- 160测试

使用im体育APP, our clients enjoy access to the most comprehensive EMC and environmental testing capacity of any independent 航空航天 product qualification testing company in the world.



im体育APP can provide you with critically important data on your product or part's performance in response to typical or extreme environmental stresses and conditions. 


MIL-STD 810测试

im体育APP's product testing labs in the US and UK evaluate components and systems to defense standards including MIL-STD 810 and others.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.